Friday, September 26, 2014

Who Am I and What Is This Blog All About?

Well, once again I have the need for a place to write, to talk about who I am, express my struggles, share my life high and lows with everyone.  Life is interesting, life is fun, life is hard.  

This is me!
Me and my hubby!

This is me and my husband, Dan.  We have been married for 9 years.  We live in Salt Lake City, Utah, and love it here.  He works for a company called Bikewagon selling bikes and accessories, while working on his degree through Western Governors University.  I work for the Salt Lake City Public Library as a substitute librarian- working those random hours that they need filling when others are sick or otherwise occupied.  I love libraries!

My interests: lots of stuff! I love to read (hence working at the library), especially teen, fantasy, some mystery, fairy tales, and more.  Recent favorite reads: The Fault in Our Stars by John Green, Seraphina by Hartman, and pretty much anything by Patricia C. Wrede. I love fantasy, most of all, especially dragons!  Check out my Goodreads shelf, where I keep track of what I am reading here!  I collect little stuffed animals, especially the Beanie Boos by TY.  super cute. At last count, over 100 total.  Oh dear...  I also love crafts, especially quilting, crochet, and cross stitch.  I have an Etsy store that I'm selling various stuff.  Check it out here! I've recently been playing with a cross stitch designing program.  Very excited about creating my own! Another interest is photography, especially nature.  I love capturing the beauty that I see so that others can see it as well.

Issues in my life: Last 6 months I have been eating gluten free.  Big changes, but really helped various symptoms that had been really interrupting life. I've noticed some changes, but wondering if I need to do more.  I've also been trying to get consistent employment.  Working for the City Library has been great, but working consistent hours would be much better.  Applying for jobs all the time, just trying to getting something that works.

Biggest struggle recently: dealing with infertility.  Notice our 'family' picture.  Dan and I.  I love him, but we both want kids. So much.  Part of that struggle is weight, which both of us struggle with, and part of it is still mysterious.  With job turmoil and budget issues, we don't have the money to research it more.  While I am so excited every time someone tells me they are pregnant, I also ache a little each time that it's not me.  That, combined with everything else, makes me struggle a little with maintaining positive attitude.  It's hard with everything that goes on in life.

One of the biggest things that helps define me and give me courage to face everything is my faith.  I believe in God, I believe in Christ.  I believe in prophets, including prophets today.  I know that my Father in heaven loves me, has plans for me that I might not understand now.  I believe in the the Atonement and forgiveness.  I know that God created this earth for us to prove ourselves, and that is one of the reasons I love sharing it's beauty through photography.  I have read the Bible and I know it to be true.  I have read the Book of Mormon, and I know it to be true.  I am Brenda Lower, librarian, crafter, photographer, wife, and I'm a Mormon.

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